Saturday, June 26, 2010

Treating Tips Sprue

sariawanIf canker sores are not felt good, like a smile hard, chewing pain and pains. Vitamnin C 500mg drinking actually helps speed up the healing of wounds. If asked for what causes canker sores? could be because the body's immune system is not balanced, oral cavity hygiene, mealtimes bitten, kejedot and swelling * vent colongan *. Pictures taken here.
If already taking vitamin C did not recover any other way could there? how best? Relax, my tips will be sent ga pake who feels sore medicine, there kok way that does not torture, namely:First. Antiseptic

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sandi, Toddler Smokers Need Assistance

Sandi, Balita Perokok Perlu Pendampingan MALANG - Psychologist University of Malang (UMM) Yudi Hartono, M. Psi states, Password (4), infant origin of Malang, East Java, need intensive assistance from the people closest. Toddlers are already addicted to cigarettes since she was 1.5 years.
"Conditions like that if allowed to and continued, will endanger themselves psychologically so that the necessary assistance in order to lead him gradually to abandon the habit of smoking addiction and even," he said in Malang, Sunday.
In addition to the intensive assistance from the people closest, Yudi said, the neighborhood should also give full support to not teach or give an example of smoking. Moreover, he added, these infants also had fluent

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coconut Water Full Usefulness

kelapa_kclCoconut water has properties and high nutritional value. For example, in addition to refreshing in times of thirst, coconut water can also be created as a nata de coco and soya.
For the people of Indonesia, nata de coco is still relatively new. However, many people are fond of this beverage. Because, nata de coco can be consumed as a beverage. Nata de coco is consumed as a mixed cocktail, fruit ice, or successor to and fro.
Besides being used for nata de coco, coconut water is also used in the manufacture of soy sauce. By mixing the coconut milk, soy, brown sugar, garlic, walnut, bay leaves, galangal, kluwak, as well as sodium benzoate,

Stress Can Trigger ulcer recurrence

maag.homekecilDuring this time, irregular eating patterns are always blamed as the main cause of ulcer disease. However, it turns out all the pain that comes from the stomach can be triggered by the influence of the mind, especially ulcer.
If we frequent ulcer recurrence, we often assume the cause due to late or wrong to eat. But not only that, the ulcer may recur if the patient is too many thoughts, stress, and too tired. Most people with ulcers may often

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tips Overcome Stress In Pregnancy

Stress during pregnancy affects only bad for you and your baby in the womb. Of course in life, we can not prevent something bad events occur (eg death, loss of something, work stress, family problems, etc.), and we also can not just change our emotional.
But you can try some tips to overcome stress during your pregnancy, to protect you and your baby well from the negative effects of stress.

Tips to overcome stress in pregnancy:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Carpal syndrome, Hold Wrong Mouse

For those of you who always works by using computer Errors in the use of everyday MOUSE Will result in carpal SYNDROME! USE MOUSE with and REALLY GOOD! Surgery Patients with carpal SYNDROME.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Early baldness? Not Problem

Already a pre-disposition for men to experience the process of baldness in upon entering old age. Elderly men experience hair loss because there was a degradation production and function of hormones in the body. However, the stigma of baldness will be different when a young age in men. As with the elderly, young men can not look stunning just by his success, his rank, social status, and material only. Worldly things that indicate a positive stigma as a successful man will always carry an additional label as 'bald man'.