For the people of Indonesia, nata de coco is still relatively new. However, many people are fond of this beverage. Because, nata de coco can be consumed as a beverage. Nata de coco is consumed as a mixed cocktail, fruit ice, or successor to and fro.
Besides being used for nata de coco, coconut water is also used in the manufacture of soy sauce. By mixing the coconut milk, soy, brown sugar, garlic, walnut, bay leaves, galangal, kluwak, as well as sodium benzoate, soy could be obtained. No less interesting, and coconut water can also be used as traditional medicine and beauty.
For Treatment:
Burn Provide water pinch of powdered turmeric and betel leaf. Mix with coconut milk. Apply on the affected area of burns, for example on the palms or soles of the feet. Burning sensation will quickly disappear.
Scarlet fever Easy to drink green coconut water mixed with lemon juice on a regular basis.
Intestinal worms in children Give young coconut water was given little lemon juice to the children who have disorders worms.
For Beauty:
Eliminating acne Prepare one glass of coconut water mixed with 25 grams of turmeric paste, leave overnight. The next day, add to the mixture is three teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir until evenly distributed. Save for three days. After that, strain the mixture by using gauze. Save the juice in a bottle. Rub herb with acne on the face, twice a day until the pimple disappears.
Preventing wrinkles on the face To avoid wrinkles in the face who came early, wash face with coconut water, as often as you like.
Prevent gray hair Green coconut water mixed with one teaspoon of salt. Use to wash your hair in order to prevent the growth of gray hairs.
Create a melodious voice Drinking water young coconut which has been condensed for one night.
Various Sources Photo: Vibizlife
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