All that can be carried out simultaneously because the brain is governed by different. Yes, the brain has many parts that have different functions. Broadly speaking the brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem). Each section is divided into sections which are smaller, smaller, and smaller again. As with other body parts, brain tumors and cancer. The difference is, if the rest of the body sometimes does not interfere with benign and harmless, even benign brain tumors can be very disturbing and endangering lives.
A large part of the brain that have a regulatory function of different body makes tumors and brain cancer have a very varied symptoms. Symptoms appear very dependent on the part of the brain where the tumor appeared.
Common symptoms of tumors and brain cancer are as follows:
General cerebral symptoms
Can be either mild mental changes (psychomotor asthenia), which can be felt by the family near the patient such as: irritability, emotional instability, forgetfulness, slowing of mental and social activity, loss of initiative and spontaneity, anxiety and depression may be found. This phenomenon runs progressive and can be found in two thirds of cases.
Sore head
An estimated 1% cause of headache is 30% of brain tumors and brain tumor early symptoms are headache. The nature of head pain varies from mild and episodic to severe and throbbing, typically gain weight at night and on waking in the morning and in the situation where there is high intracranial pressure elevation. The existence of head pain with psychomotor asthenia need to be suspected brain tumor.
There are at 30% of cases and generally meyertai kepala.Bangkitan seizures can be a pain early symptoms of brain tumors in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases at an advanced stage. An estimated 2% cause seizures are a brain tumor.
Need seizures are suspected of causing brain tumors when:
- Having epilepsy status
Seizures observed in 70% of brain tumors in the cortex, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% in patients with meningioma, and 25% in glioblastoma.
Prevention of Cancer / Brain Tumors
Dr. Siregar PhD Amarullah assured that the disease of cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle, and eating foods and beverages that contain proxeronin, substances that are very good in controlling cell division completely. One way to anticipate the most effective is by taking Tahitian Noni Juice. This juice is rich in content and antioxidant proxeronin that proved capable of protecting the free radicals and increase metabolism.
Besides able to normalize cell function and regeneration of cells with both, the content of bioactive (damnacanthal and anthraquinone) on noni juice is also capable of killing cancer cells and stop its spread.
According to Dr Siregar PhD Amarullah Tahitian Noni Juice in the ability to normalize the function of cells that can suppress the growth of cancer in the body, making the origin of Tahitian noni juice is reached for Cancer Treatment and Top 10, the American Association for Cancer Research.
Want to be free of cancer? Tahitian Noni Juice drink regularly is a wise preventive measure.
An estimated 1% cause of headache is 30% of brain tumors and brain tumor early symptoms are headache. The nature of head pain varies from mild and episodic to severe and throbbing, typically gain weight at night and on waking in the morning and in the situation where there is high intracranial pressure elevation. The existence of head pain with psychomotor asthenia need to be suspected brain tumor.
There are at 30% of cases and generally meyertai kepala.Bangkitan seizures can be a pain early symptoms of brain tumors in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases at an advanced stage. An estimated 2% cause seizures are a brain tumor.
Need seizures are suspected of causing brain tumors when:
- Having epilepsy status
Seizures observed in 70% of brain tumors in the cortex, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% in patients with meningioma, and 25% in glioblastoma.
Prevention of Cancer / Brain Tumors
Dr. Siregar PhD Amarullah assured that the disease of cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle, and eating foods and beverages that contain proxeronin, substances that are very good in controlling cell division completely. One way to anticipate the most effective is by taking Tahitian Noni Juice. This juice is rich in content and antioxidant proxeronin that proved capable of protecting the free radicals and increase metabolism.
Besides able to normalize cell function and regeneration of cells with both, the content of bioactive (damnacanthal and anthraquinone) on noni juice is also capable of killing cancer cells and stop its spread.
According to Dr Siregar PhD Amarullah Tahitian Noni Juice in the ability to normalize the function of cells that can suppress the growth of cancer in the body, making the origin of Tahitian noni juice is reached for Cancer Treatment and Top 10, the American Association for Cancer Research.
Want to be free of cancer? Tahitian Noni Juice drink regularly is a wise preventive measure.
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