Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Deaths cavities

Is tooth decay can cause death? The answer is yes, if the tooth is not treated and the condition of a weak body. Dental cavities, can be a road large enough for bacteria to get into the body. Infections from these bacteria can actually be resisted because the body has cells which act as resistance.
However, if our immune system is weak, it will be more severe bacterial infections. In the early stages, the infection is still localized in the root tip region of a hollow tooth. Usually arise discomfort or pain during dentalThey are used to chew or suppressed. At this stage can be overcome with dental root canal treatment and filling up the use of antibiotics or removal of an infected tooth.
If not treated, the infection will spread to the area around the mouth, such as the cheeks and neck. This condition can be said quite seriously, and requires the patient to do surgery on the infected area to remove the pus if the conditions allow. Patients are also treated using antibiotic drugs. If the condition is severe, the patient is also required to be treated in hospital. And there is the risk of death if the patient's condition is very weak, with a complication of another disease or a less intensive treatment. The above picture is a picture of the infection of a tooth that has spread to the cheek area.

In some cases, an infection that occurs quite powerful and quick. Infection can spread to other areas which are vital enough to the chest and head. This condition is very serious and require hospital treatment is very intensive. In this condition, especially to the head area of infection, the risk of death is greater.
Once enough cases of death due to infection from a tooth that is not handled well, including Indonesia. Now, usually this infection has been handled from an early stage so that the risk of infections and deaths could be avoided. Here is an example of a child death cases caused by infection from a tooth that spreads to the brain: Dentist: Death From Tooth Infection Preventable.
Actually to avoid death due to infection from the tooth is very easy. Simply by brushing their teeth properly, correctly and the time is right and the routine for checking the condition of teeth and mouth to the dentist every six months.

source : http://gigisehatbadansehat.blogspot.com 

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