Some patients complain of problems with their ears frequently recurring watery (layman's terms: congek / torek). Generally, the ear is often caused by repeated watering a torn eardrum. The cause of the torn ear drum can be read on my writing "juicy Recurring Ear"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Due deaf Noise in the Modern Age
In early March 2009 yesterday, I attended a seminar in Jakarta ENT, there is something that makes me intrigued to write about Deaf mainly due to noise in this day and age.
Based on observations from the National Committee on Prevention Hearing Loss and Deafness (PGPKt), their observation likelihood of the risk of hearing loss at ages younger.
With so many games where the children (such as time zone or fun stations), measured the degree of noise, it
Based on observations from the National Committee on Prevention Hearing Loss and Deafness (PGPKt), their observation likelihood of the risk of hearing loss at ages younger.
With so many games where the children (such as time zone or fun stations), measured the degree of noise, it
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate gland.
Prostate cancer is very common.Microscopic examination of prostate tissue after surgery or at autopsy showed cancer in 50% of men aged over 70 years and in all men aged over 90 years.Most cancers do not cause symptoms because of its spread is very slow.
CAUSEThe cause is unknown, although several studies have shown a link between high fat diets and increased levels
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate gland.
Prostate cancer is very common.Microscopic examination of prostate tissue after surgery or at autopsy showed cancer in 50% of men aged over 70 years and in all men aged over 90 years.Most cancers do not cause symptoms because of its spread is very slow.
CAUSEThe cause is unknown, although several studies have shown a link between high fat diets and increased levels
Broken bones (fractures) is the breakdown of bone, usually accompanied by injuries to the surrounding tissue.
Broken bones (fractures) is the breakdown of bone, usually accompanied by injuries to the surrounding tissue.
Types of fractures:
1. Closed fractures (broken bones simplex).A broken bone is not visible from the outside.2. Open fracture (compound fracture).A broken bone looks from the outside because the bone has penetrated through the skin or skin laceration.Open fracture more easily infected.
History of Syphilis Disease Or Lion King
Syphilis or the Lion King is a chronic infection, which can attack all the tools in the body and can be transmitted from mother to fetus. The cause is Treponema Palidum, a sprial-shaped bacteria and can move with great alacrity.
This disease has spread throughout the world and attacking the millions of people. Its spread is through unprotected sex (sexual intercourse), and numerous in big cities, especially port cities or trade. Although now
This disease has spread throughout the world and attacking the millions of people. Its spread is through unprotected sex (sexual intercourse), and numerous in big cities, especially port cities or trade. Although now
Diseases Kidney Failure
Failed Kidney disease is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work at all in terms of sewage filtering body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.
Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself. Kidney disease more often dialamai those aged adults, especially in the elderly.
A. Kidney Failure Causes
The occurrence of renal failure caused by a number of serious diseases didedrita by the body which gradually
Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself. Kidney disease more often dialamai those aged adults, especially in the elderly.
A. Kidney Failure Causes
The occurrence of renal failure caused by a number of serious diseases didedrita by the body which gradually
Osteoporosis Disease
Osteoporosis is a progressive decrease in bone density, so
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Causes of Migraine (headaches)
Migraine is a disease that is felt around the head that often make nausea and vomiting. These headaches occur more often on one side of the head only and sometimes switch to the other side, but also on both sides.
Sometimes migraine rather difficult to distinguish from ordinary headaches and other types of headache. Therefore, the headache
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
All About Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is normally caused by asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is cancer that occurs in the mesothelium.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer affecting the cells of mesothelial lining in the chest and abdomen.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer affecting the cells of mesothelial lining in the chest and abdomen.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hydrocephalus is a type of disease that occurs due to disruption of fluid flow in the brain (serebro spinal fluid). Disorders that cause a lot of fluid which will further increase pressure on the surrounding brain tissue, particularly nerve centers vital.
Pathogenesis disruption of fluid flow from the brain-based research institute the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the United States, there are three types, namely a first flow restriction circulatory disorders, brain tumor samples contained in the ventricles will obstruct the flow of
Pathogenesis disruption of fluid flow from the brain-based research institute the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the United States, there are three types, namely a first flow restriction circulatory disorders, brain tumor samples contained in the ventricles will obstruct the flow of
A little About Down Syndrome - The issues of individual development from birth, childhood, adolescence to adulthood is an interesting problem to be listened. Not all individuals experience a smooth journey in life will come, there is also a growing problem in the blossoms. These problems are associated with behavioral health problems in connection with the reason (mental retardation) and also in learning disability (learning Disabilities).
What is Down Syndrome?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Malnutrition
Poor nutrition or malnutrition can be defined as poor nutritional intake. This can be caused by lack of food intake, choosing foods that are not appropriate or due to other reasons such as infectious disease that causes less absorption of nutrients from food. Clinically severe malnutrition characterized by intake of protein, energy and micro nutrients such as vitamins that are not sufficient or excessive resulting in health problems.
Differences in malnutrition and hunger
Malnutrition is different from hunger. People who suffer from
Mouth Problems
The mouth is one body part that is vital because it is necessary for daily activities such as talking and eating and drinking. Once this part of developing the disease then became distracted by other activities.
Mouth problems that often arises is bad breath, canker sores, mouth infections. Sprue is a common language
Mouth problems that often arises is bad breath, canker sores, mouth infections. Sprue is a common language
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Early Detection and Disease DBD DANGER SIGNS
This case seems to occur because of early detection and danger signs of DHF are not well understood. How
Disease Detection Through Tongue Colors
Ever notice the color and shape of your tongue? Apparently, other than as a sense of taste, the tongue can also give a signal when the body is experiencing health problems. Colors and shapes that can indicate abnormal health conditions. Acupuncturist, Dr. Vanda Huang reveals the meaning of the symptoms of abnormalities detected by the tongue, as quoted from
1. Symptoms: purple tongue.This condition could indicate a circulation that is not current. Among others, could cause chronic stress, or are
Infectious diseases-Sex Relationships Through
Approximately 40 million Americans have contracted the diseases through sexual contact (sexually transmitted diseases or STD). Each year, new cases of STD to reach 12 million, that is, every day there are 33,000.
30 New Emerging Diseases Due to Global Warming
JAKARTA, SATURDAY - Based on the data of the world Health Organization (WHO) as many as 30 new diseases that emerged during the year 1976-2008 due to climate change and global warming. Special Staff of Minister of the Environment, "a bed Niode Amanda says the emergence of this disease due to temperature geothermal temperature continues to rise.
Health disorders caused by Electromagnetic Radiation
I have always had difficulty sleeping, Doc. Though, this time without the burden of my mind whatsoever, "complained a patient. "Why is my frequent migraines almost daily and always tired. In fact, according to doctors, the results of laboratory examination of all ... I'm good, "complained another patient.
New diseases caused by HP
Some doctors in England recently confused with the various miseries of the ear and cheek of the population, characterized by inflammation of the skin, and a sign of allergies.
After long study was reddish and radanga allergy appears as allergies triggered due to the use of HP is too
After long study was reddish and radanga allergy appears as allergies triggered due to the use of HP is too
By: Content Team
Diabetes is caused because the pancreas is not able to make the hormone insulin, needed to convert glucose into blood sugar.
In patients with diabetes, the cells can not absorb glucose normally, so accumulate too much in the blood.
Diabetes is caused because the pancreas is not able to make the hormone insulin, needed to convert glucose into blood sugar.
In patients with diabetes, the cells can not absorb glucose normally, so accumulate too much in the blood.
A. The facts about diabetes
Alcohol Addiction
This topic is about alcohol abuse and dependence in adults. For information about alcohol problems in teens or children, see the topic Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse. For information about drug abuse in adults, see the topic Drug Abuse and dependence.Is the abuse of alcohol and alcohol dependence?
Asthma (Asthma) in Adolescent and Adult
Asthma disease causes swelling and inflammation in the airways leading to lungs. When asthma relapse, the airways become narrow and tight. So that air can pass easily and make it difficult to breathe. This is also called asthma attacks or exacerbations.
Does asthma (asthma) it?
Asthma disease causes swelling and inflammation in the airways leading to lungs. When asthma relapse, the airways become narrow and tight. So that air can pass easily and make it difficult to breathe. This is also called asthma attacks or exacerbations.
Acne (Acne Vulgaris)
Topic Overview
What is acne (acne vulgaris)?
Acne vulgaris, or acne (pimples), is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. If you only have a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe Acne (Severe Acne) can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or, this could be bigger, solid, painful red lumps (cysts).
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer (Breast Cancer) is a malignant breast tumor that forms in the cell, usually in rows ducts, while others take the form of lobules, and the rest in other tissues of breast. Although most women with breast cancer, also can also male.
Leukemia (Blood Cancer)
Leukemia is a type of cancer that starts in the bone marrow, which is the soft tissue in the bone that is responsible for producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Some cells can turn into leukemia cells, which then become more healthy dividing cells. For cancer of the bone marrow create more leukemia cells, healthy cells pushing them out and replace them, making it difficult for blood to function properly, and that leads to serious medical problems.
Smoking and Health ..!
Smoking and Health ..! - Smoking and Health ..!
SMOKING harm our health, our reality can not deny this. Many diseases have proven to be bad due to smoke, either directly or indirectly.Smoking habit is not only detrimental to the smoker, but also for those around them.Cigarette smoke is a pollutant for humans and the environment. Not just for health, smoking also causes problems in the economic field. In industrialized countries there is now a tendency to quit smoking, whereas in developing countries, particularly Indonesia, actually tend to arise increased smoking habits.Through resolution 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set May 31 as World Tobacco Free Day every year.WHO Report 1983 states, the number of smokers increased by 2.1 percent per year in developing countries, whereas in developed countries this figure decreased by around 1.1 percent per year.
Braces - Need?
These days, beauty treatments leat dental braces or orthodontic treatment to attract many people. Teens, adults, until the parents, came to the dental clinics to seek information and services for orthodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment, especially bridge work. Need braces? Together Drg. Fadli Jazaldi, Sp. Ort. let us examine further.
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