This case seems to occur because of early detection and danger signs of DHF are not well understood. How to DHF, especially in children can be detected early? What danger signs should be suspected in order to avoid delays?. Ordinary people, even a doctor who specializes also sometimes difficult to detect early diagnosis of DHF. The initial symptoms of DHF are not typical, almost all infections in the early acute illness resembling dengue. Typical symptoms such as bleeding in the skin or other signs of bleeding sometimes occurs only at the end of the period of illness. Tragically when the disease is diagnosed too late, then the condition is difficult to be saved. History of the disease very quickly, within a few days even in a matter of hours the patient can be entered in critical condition. To avoid delay in diagnosis of dengue, necessary to know the danger signs and early detection of DHF.
Dengue disease continues to threaten every moment of Indonesian society. The disease can be fatal can occur at any time do not see the season, although the case was increased in certain months. In a few days even in a matter of hours the patient can be entered in critical condition. Anxiety increased, if the current body of her son experienced hot whatever the cause. The first thoughts that come to mind is whether my child is suffering from dengue fever? MECHANISMS CLINICAL occurrence of the disease and manifestation of dengue virus causes dengue, including families Flaviviridae, which very small size, ie 35-45 nm. The virus enters the human body through mosquito bites that break the skin. After that was followed by a period of calm for about four days, when the virus to replicate rapidly in the human body. If the amount of virus is sufficient, the virus will enter the circulation of the blood (viraemia).
At this time humans are infected will experience symptoms of fever. With the presence of dengue virus in the human body, the body will react. Form of the body's reaction against the virus between humans and humans are one another can be different. Differences of this reaction will manifest different clinical appearance and course of the disease symptoms. In principle, the shape of the human body's reaction to the presence of dengue virus through several stages. Form of the first reaction is to occur, followed by neutralization of viruses and virus neutralization precipitate forms in the small blood vessels in the skin rash in the form of symptoms (rash).
At this time humans are infected will experience symptoms of fever. With the presence of dengue virus in the human body, the body will react. Form of the body's reaction against the virus between humans and humans are one another can be different. Differences of this reaction will manifest different clinical appearance and course of the disease symptoms. In principle, the shape of the human body's reaction to the presence of dengue virus through several stages. Form of the first reaction is to occur, followed by neutralization of viruses and virus neutralization precipitate forms in the small blood vessels in the skin rash in the form of symptoms (rash).
The second reaction forms the function of blood clotting disorders occur as a result of the decrease in the number and quality of frozen blood components that cause haemorrhagic manifestations. The third reaction forms a leak in the blood vessels that lead to the release of plasma components (fluid) of blood from the blood vessels leading to symptoms such as abdominal cavity lining of the lung cavity ascites and pleural effusion in the form of symptoms. Clinical manifestations of dengue infection marked clinical symptoms include fever, pain throughout the body, rash and bleeding. Fever that occurs in dengue virus infection is the emergence of a sudden, high (can reach 39-400Celcius) and may be accompanied by chills.
This fever lasted only about five days. At the time of the fever ends, often in the form of a sudden down (lysis), and is accompanied by sweating a lot. At that time the child looked a little sluggish. Sometimes known term biphasik fever, which is a fever that lasted for several days it had dropped in the middle to be normal and then rose again and fell again as new patients cured (heat curve as a description of the camel's back). Symptoms of fever in patients with dengue virus infection will be immediately followed by the incidence of pain on the entire body. In general, the complaints are muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, and pain in the eyeball which progressively increases when driven. Because of these painful symptoms, among the ordinary people have flu-term bone.
With the recovery patient symptoms of pain in your whole body will also be removed. The rash occurs in dengue virus infection may arise at the beginning of summer in the form of flushing, redness of the area which formed the face, neck and chest. The rash can also occur on the day of the 4th ill be small red spots like the spots on measles. Sometimes the rash will only occur on an arm or leg area so as to give specific form such as gloves and feet. The latter usually occurs after the heat down or after the day-to-5.
This fever lasted only about five days. At the time of the fever ends, often in the form of a sudden down (lysis), and is accompanied by sweating a lot. At that time the child looked a little sluggish. Sometimes known term biphasik fever, which is a fever that lasted for several days it had dropped in the middle to be normal and then rose again and fell again as new patients cured (heat curve as a description of the camel's back). Symptoms of fever in patients with dengue virus infection will be immediately followed by the incidence of pain on the entire body. In general, the complaints are muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, and pain in the eyeball which progressively increases when driven. Because of these painful symptoms, among the ordinary people have flu-term bone.
With the recovery patient symptoms of pain in your whole body will also be removed. The rash occurs in dengue virus infection may arise at the beginning of summer in the form of flushing, redness of the area which formed the face, neck and chest. The rash can also occur on the day of the 4th ill be small red spots like the spots on measles. Sometimes the rash will only occur on an arm or leg area so as to give specific form such as gloves and feet. The latter usually occurs after the heat down or after the day-to-5.
In dengue virus infection especially in the form of DHF is always accompanied by clinical signs of bleeding. It's just a sign of bleeding is not always obtained spontaneously by patients, even in most patients with signs of bleeding occur after the tourniquet test. Forms of spontaneous bleeding that can occur in patients with dengue fever can be a little bleeding in the skin (petechiae), bleeding in the skin rather large (echimosis), bleeding gums, bleeding nose and sometimes massive hemorrhage can occur which can be ended at death. Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever dengue disease is one clinical form of disease caused by infection with dengue virus in humans.
Clinical manifestations of dengue virus infection can be either "Hemorrhagic Fever (DD)" or "Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)." DD is not unsafe or life-threatening, such as dengue. Usually a case like this is often termed the general public as a symptom of dengue fever. DD will not turn into DHF. Thus, the opinion which says that if the handling is not good and too late to DD will be DBD is not true. Layman DD and DHF is difficult to distinguish, because the only known doctor based on blood tests and clinical state of patients. Clinically the difference is the reaction of DBD plasma discharge (fluid) of blood from the blood vessels in and out into the abdominal cavity and the lining of the lung cavity.
This phenomenon, if not addressed promptly can affect the manifestation of symptoms of a very massive hemorrhage. In the practice of medicine often makes a doctor forced to give blood transfusions in a number of quite a lot. Clinical symptoms of DHF and DD is almost the same high heat, bleeding, thrombocyte decline and IgG or IgM serology positive. In DHF platelet drastically decreased to less than 90,000, heavy bleeding that occurs more and can be accompanied by shortness of breath because of fluid in the lung cavity (pleural effusion) EARLY DETECTION OF DISEASE Early detection of dengue DHF is important to know because if there is delay of disease is very fatal. The initial symptoms of this disease is similar to other viral infections.
But there are several clinical characteristics that can be observed for suspected dengue. Some symptoms that alert is when the incidence of sudden heat, high directly above 390C. So suddenly, often in practice everyday we hear stories of when you remove the mother that her son off to school in perfect health, but at home his son had complained it was hot and high direct heat. At the time the child begins to heat usually does not want to play. Usually three days into the heat slightly decreased but the day-to IV and V increased again to end the day to VI did not heat up again.
Also when the heat is not accompanied by cough, runny nose and sore throat in the home environment and no one suffering from the flu we should be alert. Also must be vigilant when in recent time around the house has suffered dengue. Or, in the near future there had previously been fogging (fumigation), because if there is fogging DHF patients usually have around him. Symptoms typically happens is usually the child looks limp, lackluster, do not want to play under, asking continuously carry and sleep all day. When lemasnya only when high heat, but it's so hot down longer active children usually do not have feared and is a natural thing.
Clinical manifestations of dengue virus infection can be either "Hemorrhagic Fever (DD)" or "Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)." DD is not unsafe or life-threatening, such as dengue. Usually a case like this is often termed the general public as a symptom of dengue fever. DD will not turn into DHF. Thus, the opinion which says that if the handling is not good and too late to DD will be DBD is not true. Layman DD and DHF is difficult to distinguish, because the only known doctor based on blood tests and clinical state of patients. Clinically the difference is the reaction of DBD plasma discharge (fluid) of blood from the blood vessels in and out into the abdominal cavity and the lining of the lung cavity.
This phenomenon, if not addressed promptly can affect the manifestation of symptoms of a very massive hemorrhage. In the practice of medicine often makes a doctor forced to give blood transfusions in a number of quite a lot. Clinical symptoms of DHF and DD is almost the same high heat, bleeding, thrombocyte decline and IgG or IgM serology positive. In DHF platelet drastically decreased to less than 90,000, heavy bleeding that occurs more and can be accompanied by shortness of breath because of fluid in the lung cavity (pleural effusion) EARLY DETECTION OF DISEASE Early detection of dengue DHF is important to know because if there is delay of disease is very fatal. The initial symptoms of this disease is similar to other viral infections.
But there are several clinical characteristics that can be observed for suspected dengue. Some symptoms that alert is when the incidence of sudden heat, high directly above 390C. So suddenly, often in practice everyday we hear stories of when you remove the mother that her son off to school in perfect health, but at home his son had complained it was hot and high direct heat. At the time the child begins to heat usually does not want to play. Usually three days into the heat slightly decreased but the day-to IV and V increased again to end the day to VI did not heat up again.
Also when the heat is not accompanied by cough, runny nose and sore throat in the home environment and no one suffering from the flu we should be alert. Also must be vigilant when in recent time around the house has suffered dengue. Or, in the near future there had previously been fogging (fumigation), because if there is fogging DHF patients usually have around him. Symptoms typically happens is usually the child looks limp, lackluster, do not want to play under, asking continuously carry and sleep all day. When lemasnya only when high heat, but it's so hot down longer active children usually do not have feared and is a natural thing.
Tocsin Signs of danger that must be known at the sign of dengue haemorrhagic skin (red spots), nose, gums or dysentery blackish color and smell. Another danger sign is when the heat is gradually cool, but kids seem sluggish and the palpability perceived ends cold hands or feet. Symptoms are often seen children like these have been recovered, but a sign of danger. These conditions resulted in a parent does not immediately bring their son to the nearest health facility. Other danger signs that accompanies a child's appearance seemed very nervous, decreased consciousness, seizures and shortness of breath. In these circumstances the patient should be immediately taken to the doctor, when too late will lead to dangerous complications such as shock, bleeding heads, bleeding throughout the body (DIC), or disturbances of heart muscle function.
In this situation the patient is usually difficult to diselamtkan. Parents often blamed by doctors because of delays in bringing to the doctor. Parents often reject this argument because since the first day and the two hot child to the doctor always control. But the hot days I - II can not be detected symptoms of dengue fever and no special handling. Dangerous manifestations usually occur on hot days just to III - V. Handling delays that occurred just when that period. If there is then you should not be delayed while it also must immediately go to the doctor or to the nearest hospital. So the monitor alarm was precisely to do during the hot summer days to III - V.
In this situation the patient is usually difficult to diselamtkan. Parents often blamed by doctors because of delays in bringing to the doctor. Parents often reject this argument because since the first day and the two hot child to the doctor always control. But the hot days I - II can not be detected symptoms of dengue fever and no special handling. Dangerous manifestations usually occur on hot days just to III - V. Handling delays that occurred just when that period. If there is then you should not be delayed while it also must immediately go to the doctor or to the nearest hospital. So the monitor alarm was precisely to do during the hot summer days to III - V.
LABORATORY EXAMINATION Investigations to diagnose DHF is often termed a blood test or complete blood examination. Typical picture of laboratory results is an increase in hemoglobin (Hb) and increased hematocrit (HCT) followed by a decrease in thrombosis is less than 150.00. These changes usually occur in day-to-3 until the 5th heat. Blood tests on the first day or second heat is not useful and even misleading because the results are still within the normal, tgetapi not get rid of dengue. In the course of thrombosis will continue to decline on the day of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th day, while on day 6 and further increases continued to return to normal values. Increased platelet count after the day-to-6 is probably often regarded as the effect of guava. Usually after a day-to-6 platelet count above 50,000, if not accompanied by complications of patients allowed to go home. Laboratory examinations are often performed serologic immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM). This check is in addition to non-specific but also relatively expensive. In the state of clinical manifestations and laboratory results it was clear this check is not really necessary. In cases that do not clear this examination may be used to help support the diagnosis of DHF. Another thing that often found DHF patients at diagnosis as a disease as typhoid fever.
Often found in DHF patients also increased the Widal. Widal examination is the identification of antibodies the body against disease tiphoid fever (typhoid). Incidents like this that cause confusion with a diagnosis of DHF. Whereas at fever heat tiphoid in the early weeks are usually not detected even increase the titer Widal. When the results of Widal rose high at the beginning of the first week, not as a disease should be suspected typhoid fever. Instead, Widal examinations conducted towards the end of summer or beginning the first week to two weeks of summer. In fact there is no medical treatment exclusively in patients with DHF. This disease is self limiting disease or diseases that can heal itself. The principle of general treatment is given in the form of liquid electrolytes (especially sodium) and glucose. Thus giving a drink containing electrolytes and glucose, such as juice or other sweet drinks, can help overcome the shortage of liquid in DHF patients. Up to now there is no clinical research which proves that the administration of guava to the DHF patients can increase platelet count in blood. (Suggestion admin use the Lampe Berger Essential Oil and Lavender Phyrete to avoid mosquito)
Often found in DHF patients also increased the Widal. Widal examination is the identification of antibodies the body against disease tiphoid fever (typhoid). Incidents like this that cause confusion with a diagnosis of DHF. Whereas at fever heat tiphoid in the early weeks are usually not detected even increase the titer Widal. When the results of Widal rose high at the beginning of the first week, not as a disease should be suspected typhoid fever. Instead, Widal examinations conducted towards the end of summer or beginning the first week to two weeks of summer. In fact there is no medical treatment exclusively in patients with DHF. This disease is self limiting disease or diseases that can heal itself. The principle of general treatment is given in the form of liquid electrolytes (especially sodium) and glucose. Thus giving a drink containing electrolytes and glucose, such as juice or other sweet drinks, can help overcome the shortage of liquid in DHF patients. Up to now there is no clinical research which proves that the administration of guava to the DHF patients can increase platelet count in blood. (Suggestion admin use the Lampe Berger Essential Oil and Lavender Phyrete to avoid mosquito)
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