I have always had difficulty sleeping, Doc. Though, this time without the burden of my mind whatsoever, "complained a patient. "Why is my frequent migraines almost daily and always tired. In fact, according to doctors, the results of laboratory examination of all ... I'm good, "complained another patient.
If this happens, one of which must be considered is a history of exposure (exposure) of equipment that generate electromagnetic radiation. There is the possibility of such interference is the electrical sensitivity. Electrical sensitivity is a physiological disorder with neurological signs and symptoms as well as sensitivity, in the form of various symptoms and complaints.
These problems are usually caused by electromagnetic radiation from power lines high or extra high voltage, electronic equipment at home, at work and the industry. Including cellular phone (mobile phone) or a microwave oven, it is very potential to cause a variety complaint.
“Electrical sensitivity”
The truth has long been concern in the community will arise negative effects of electromagnetic radiation on health, especially with the growing use of radiation sources nonpengion. Nonpengion man-made radiation sources include high voltage electrical network as well as extra high, laser, radar, microwave ovens, cell phones, and so forth. Seldom realize that the highest risk of radiation sources nonpengion precisely derived from nature, namely ultra-violet rays of the sun
Potential health problems arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields can occur in various body systems, among others: (1) the blood system, (2) reproductive system, (3) the nervous system, (4) the cardiovascular system, (5) endocrine systems, ( 6) psychological, and (7) hypersensitivity. While the manifestations of hypersensitivity is also known by the term electrical sensitivity, which describes the physiological disturbances in the form of signs and symptoms of neurological or sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, with typical symptoms (Riedlinger, 2004).
The symptoms which may indicate an actual sensitivity electrical loads, but a typical example in the form of headache (headache), dizziness (dizziness), fatigue (fatigue). Other signs and symptoms that can be found, for example, palpitations (cardiac palpitations), sleep disorders (sleep disturbances), concentration problems (difficulty in concentrating), nausea and other digestive disorders (nausea and Digestive problems) is not clear why , ringing in the ears (tinnitus), burnt face (facial burning), and skin rash (rashes), muscle cramps (muscle spasms), confusion (confusion), as well as psychiatric disorders such as depression (depression) (Rea, 1991; Bergdahl, 1995; Grant, 1995).
The role of the hormone melatonin
The cause of symptoms and complaints are very complex and multifactor because it can accompany a variety of diseases. The latest theories about the metabolism of the hormone melatonin and its influence on the occurrence of symptoms and mood changes are expected to explain why exposure to electromagnetic fields may cause a variety of symptoms (Sandyk, 1993).
The hormone melatonin (N-acetyl-5-metoksitriptamin) is a hormone that is mainly made by the pineal gland, a gland nut of land located between the two sides of the brain. Only a small portion is made in the intestine and retina of the eye. Production of the hormone melatonin can be driven by a dark and quiet and inhibited by bright light or electromagnetic fields (Zhdanova, 1995). Melatonin is produced in large numbers once the young people, to then decrease after age 40 years. Decreased production of this hormone causes many more complaints experienced by older age compared with younger ages.
Some symptoms that can arise related to the hormone melatonin, among others, are hard to sleep (insomnia), circadian rhythm disorders, jet lag, and various other symptoms. The symptoms are related to changes in metabolism of the hormone melatonin produced by the pineal gland. The symptoms are mainly arises when the hormone melatonin production decreases (Dollins, 1994).
Production of the hormone melatonin increases at night, especially in an atmosphere of silence and darkness that causes people to sleep easy. However, this hormone production is reduced by the presence of external stimuli, such as light and electromagnetic fields. Light or electromagnetic field exposure may decrease the production of the hormone melatonin and potentially cause a variety of complaints, including headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.
Prevention efforts
Electrical sensitivity is one environmental disease. How can any environmental illnesses suffered by humans is not solely derived from electromagnetic radiation alone.
Many pollutants such as exhaust gas from vehicles, industry, and other human activities that cause health risk. So, it is difficult to predict whether the various complaints that arise solely from electromagnetic radiation.
However, in addition to still watching the procedures and equipment usage of equipment that raises the risk of electromagnetic radiation, there are some things you can minimize the risk of health problems, among others:
* In using any electronic equipment, such as computers, televisions, and hair dryer, preferably by a distance as far as possible from sources of exposure, whereas the contact time cultivated a minimum.
* Although the microwave oven requires only a very short time to heat food, in the process do not be awaited, especially in very close range. This tool produces a very large photon energy and health at risk if it does not interfere with its use to follow procedures. Especially for pregnant women in the first three months should be more alert again.
* Except for microwave ovens, cellular phones also produce a very large photon energy and the potential for greater radiation compared with electronic equipment and high voltage electrical network and extra high.
Although very helpful work and daily activities, ought to be time restricted. Do not always pocketed it, especially on the left breast pocket, especially if using a pacemaker.
Source: http://www.kompas.co.id/
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