- The issues of individual development from birth, childhood, adolescence to adulthood is an interesting problem to be listened. Not all individuals experience a smooth journey in life will come, there is also a growing problem in the blossoms. These problems are associated with behavioral health problems in connection with the reason (mental retardation) and also in learning disability (learning Disabilities).
What is Down Syndrome?
Down Syndrome is caused by abnormalities in the chromosomes. Chromosomes are the special fibers contained within each cell in the human body where there is a chart of genetic material-that determines the properties someone. Also down syndrome is caused by the result than the chromosome aberration during the conception.
The main characteristic shape than it is in terms of structure and a single face or physical disability and also lived a short time.For comparison, a normal baby born with the number of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) that is only one pair of chromosome 21 (2 chromosome 21). While babies with down syndrome disease can be caused by excess chromosome 21 where the 3 chromosome 21 makes all these number of chromosomes is 47 kromosom.Keadaan This may involve both jantina (men and women).
The main characteristic shape than it is in terms of structure and a single face or physical disability and also lived a short time.For comparison, a normal baby born with the number of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) that is only one pair of chromosome 21 (2 chromosome 21). While babies with down syndrome disease can be caused by excess chromosome 21 where the 3 chromosome 21 makes all these number of chromosomes is 47 kromosom.Keadaan This may involve both jantina (men and women).
What causes Down Syndrome?
For mothers aged 35 years or older, during pregnant have a higher risk for Down's Syndrome child birth. Ninety-five patients with down syndrome is caused by excess chromosome 21. This situation is caused by "non-dysjunction" chromosome that is involved during the process of chromosome 21 where the cells by mitosis pembahagian separation of chromosome 21 does not apply perfectly.
Among the 5% again, a child down syndrome is caused by a mechanism called "Translocation." This situation is usually accepted by the transfer of genetic material from chromosome 14 to chromosome 21. Namely the normal chromosome number 23 pairs, or the number of all 46 chromosomes.
This mechanism usually applies to mothers at a younger age ratings. Little friends one down syndrome is caused by the mechanism called "mosaic".
Among the 5% again, a child down syndrome is caused by a mechanism called "Translocation." This situation is usually accepted by the transfer of genetic material from chromosome 14 to chromosome 21. Namely the normal chromosome number 23 pairs, or the number of all 46 chromosomes.
This mechanism usually applies to mothers at a younger age ratings. Little friends one down syndrome is caused by the mechanism called "mosaic".
Is Down Syndrome characteristics?
* Nature of the head, face and neck: They have almost the same face looks like the face of the Mongols. Kemek bridge of his nose. The distance between the 2 eyes and excessive skin in the far corner of the inside.
The size of the mouth is small and the large size of the tongue which causes the tongue is always hanging out. Growth is slow and irregular teeth. Paras ear is lower. Heads are usually smaller and slightly wider than the front to the rear. His neck was rather short.
* The nature of the hands and arms: The properties are clear on their hands have short fingers and little finger bends inward. Tread their hands usually there is only one ruler vein called "simian crease".
* Nature of the legs: Legs rather short and the distance between big toe and second toe a little farther apart and the soles of the feet.
* The nature of the muscle: The child down syndrome have weak muscles that cause them to become soggy and confront the problem through the development of coarse motor. The issues relating to the Child may have trouble down syndrome abnormalities in the organs especially the heart and gut.
Heart Problems:
The most frequent cardiac problems prevailing heart is hollow such as ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the heart of a hole between the left and right heart chambers or Atrial septal Defect (ASD) is the heart Atria hole between the left and right. Another problem is that berkekalan including ateriosis Salur (patent ductus Ateriosis / PDA). For down syndrome children may experience heart problems holey blue type (cynotic spell) and hard to breathe.
Intestine Problem
Intestinal problems are usually seen during the beginning of birth such as:
* Channel esophagus that do not open (atresia) or no lines at all at a certain portion of the esophagus. Usually he can dekesan during the age of 1 - 2 days where the baby is having trouble swallowing his saliva.
* Line in the small intestine that is not open duodenal narrowing of the so-called "Hirshprung Disease." This situation is caused by an abnormal nervous system in the rectum. Usually the baby will have trouble on the second day after birth onwards where the belly bulge and difficult to defecate.
* Channel colon or rectum at the end of the bowel (rectum) are not open directly or narrowing of the so-called "Hirshprung Disease." This situation is caused by an abnormal nervous system in the rectum. Usually the baby will have trouble on the second day after birth onwards where the belly bulge and difficult to defecate.
Down syndrome child may be experiencing problems with less hormone tairoid hypothyroidism. This problem applies in the 10% down syndrome child.
Childhood instability in down syndrome have small bones in the neck that causes the disease effectparalysis (atlantoaxial instability) which is valid in the 10% down syndrome child. A small portion they had a risk for cancer of white blood cells of leukemia.
Learning Development Issues
Down syndrome child as a whole experienced growth retardation and weakness of mind.On the enlargement of their initial ratings have problems later in all aspects of development that is slow to walk and talk fine motor development.Promote their social development rather make them loved by family experts. They also had a jovial nature. Coarse motor development due to their slow muscles flabby, but they finally triumphed do almost all the rough movement. (Various sources / Ijs)
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