The mouth is one body part that is vital because it is necessary for daily activities such as talking and eating and drinking. Once this part of developing the disease then became distracted by other activities.
Mouth problems that often arises is bad breath, canker sores, mouth infections. Sprue is a common language for a variety of lesions / lumps arising in the oral cavity. However, canker sores usually type that often arise daily in the oral cavity we called (in terms of dentistry) Aftosa stomatitis Recurrent (SAR).
Symptoms such as pain or burning one to two days which could then arise the wound (ulcer) in the oral cavity. Pain and burning sensation on the ulcer was making us hard to eat and drink. So that sometimes patients with SAR are coming to the dentist in a state of weakness.
Until now the main cause of the SAR is not yet known. But the experts had predicted many things that become the cause of these sores, which are:
Mouth problems that often arises is bad breath, canker sores, mouth infections. Sprue is a common language for a variety of lesions / lumps arising in the oral cavity. However, canker sores usually type that often arise daily in the oral cavity we called (in terms of dentistry) Aftosa stomatitis Recurrent (SAR).
Symptoms such as pain or burning one to two days which could then arise the wound (ulcer) in the oral cavity. Pain and burning sensation on the ulcer was making us hard to eat and drink. So that sometimes patients with SAR are coming to the dentist in a state of weakness.
Until now the main cause of the SAR is not yet known. But the experts had predicted many things that become the cause of these sores, which are:
* Deficiency (lack of) of vitamin B12 and iron.* Viruses and bacterial infections are also suspected of being the originator of the emergence of this SAR.
There are also saying that the sprue is imunologic abnormal reaction in the oral cavity.* The cause is quite common in a busy town, is stress. These psychological factors (stress) have been
investigated in touch with the occurrence of SAR.
Dengan mengetahui penyebabnya, diharapkan kita dapat menghindari timbulnya sariawan ini, diantaranya dengan menjaga kebersihan rongga mulut serta mengkonsumsi nutrisi yang cukup, terutama yang mengandung vitamin B12 dan zat besi. Juga selain itu, jangan lupa untuk menghindari stress.
Namun bila ternyata sariawan selalu hilang timbul, Anda dapat mencoba dengan kumur-kumur air garam hangat dan pergi ke dokter gigi untuk meminta obat yang tepat untuk sariawannya.
Bau mulut atau istilah medisnya halitosis adalah masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang dikeluhkan sebagian besar masyarakat. Di Amerika Serikat, lebih dari 25 juta orang mengidap halitosis kronis. Kenyataan serupa juga dikeluhkan sebagian besar masyarakat di negara-negara maju maupun berkembang, terutama di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta
Umumnya mulut berbau jika:
- Ada infeksi di rongga mulut, gigi keropos atau bolong, gusi bengkak, karang gigi atau calculus
- Lidah meradang, bisa karena kurang vitamin, lidah tergigit, atau tumbuh kanker di sana.
- Ada infeksi gusi, gusi gampang berdarah, demam, mulut banyak mengeluarkan liur dan badan lemah.
- Setelah menyantap makanan yang berbau kuat seperti bawang Bombay dan bawang putih.
Bau mulut menyebabkan tidak percaya diri karena orang lain yang mencium bau mulut tersebut biasanya akan menjauh. Akhirnya, malah dijauhi dari pergaulan. Sebisa mungkin segera atasi problema bau mulut agar tidak lagi dijauhi.
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