By: Content Team
Diabetes is caused because the pancreas is not able to make the hormone insulin, needed to convert glucose into blood sugar.
In patients with diabetes, the cells can not absorb glucose normally, so accumulate too much in the blood.
Diabetes is caused because the pancreas is not able to make the hormone insulin, needed to convert glucose into blood sugar.
In patients with diabetes, the cells can not absorb glucose normally, so accumulate too much in the blood.
A. The facts about diabetes
1. At least 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. And this number is predicted to increase
2. As many as 3.2 million people with diabetes die each year because of complications caused. Every
second there are six people died from diabetes
3. Top ten countries most diabetes sufferers are: India, China, USA, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Russia,
3. Top ten countries most diabetes sufferers are: India, China, USA, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Russia,
Brazil, Italy, and Bangladesh
4. Total costs incurred to treat diabetes is 2.5% -15% of the total budget cost of health care around the
5. From the study of diabetes in India, China, USA, and Europe, the disease can be overcome by changing
5. From the study of diabetes in India, China, USA, and Europe, the disease can be overcome by changing
the pattern of a more balanced lifestyle and healthy.
B. Diabetes mellitus type:
Type 1
Type 1
Genetic factors influence on this type of diabetes. Childhood into adolescence, a person already has a talent for diabetes. In the event of infection in the liver, diabetes became a common.
Type 2
Penyakit tipe ini mulai menyerang seseorang yang telah berumur 40 tahun. Jadi diperlukan insulin bantuan untuk membantu penderita mengubah glukosa menjadi gula darah.
C. The signs of diabetes:
1. Feeling constantly thirsty
2. Weight loss drops drastically
3. Frequent urination in large volumes
4. Quickly exhausted and the cause is not clear
5. Itching and a chronic inflammatory skin
6. Commas, in certain cases
2. Weight loss drops drastically
3. Frequent urination in large volumes
4. Quickly exhausted and the cause is not clear
5. Itching and a chronic inflammatory skin
6. Commas, in certain cases
D. Complications that often follow diabetes
1. Renal failure
2. Heart disease
3. Impotent
4. Brain damage
5. Blindness
2. Heart disease
3. Impotent
4. Brain damage
5. Blindness
E. Severe diabetes in the situation
1. The reduced weight of the patient
2. Patirasa (tingling) or pain in hands or feet
3. Ulcers on the feet that do not heal
4. Loss of consciousness
2. Patirasa (tingling) or pain in hands or feet
3. Ulcers on the feet that do not heal
4. Loss of consciousness
F. How to test whether a person has diabetes
1. If the urine of someone surrounded by ants, most likely the person is suffering from diabetes.
2. Use the special paper, uristix, and dip into urine. If the paper color change, the person is suffering from
2. Use the special paper, uristix, and dip into urine. If the paper color change, the person is suffering from
G. Tip for people with diabetes
1. If a person suffers from diabetes after age 40 years, this disease often can be controlled without the need
for treatment. Done is to regulate your diet with a diet program. By applying the strict rules of behavior in
terms of eating and living, it is expected the patient will live as normal despite being a diabetic.2. Rules of eating for people with diabetes: Fat people who suffer from diabetes should lose weight until
they reach normal. Diasup foods should a high-yield protein such as eggs, fish, beans, dark green
vegetables, beans, and others. Should also consume foods that lower grades of flour.
3. For patients with diabetes are younger, requiring special medication (insulin).
H. Things that should be done to prevent diabetes
1. Regular exercise
2. No smoking
3. Maintain ideal body weight to avoid obesity
4. Supervise in blood glucose levels independently at home
5. Comprehensive health checkups at the hospital
6. Eyes checked regularly
7. Regulate the use of low-calorie sugar
2. No smoking
3. Maintain ideal body weight to avoid obesity
4. Supervise in blood glucose levels independently at home
5. Comprehensive health checkups at the hospital
6. Eyes checked regularly
7. Regulate the use of low-calorie sugar
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