Saturday, April 10, 2010

Asthma (Asthma) in Adolescent and Adult


Gambaran tentang paru-paruDoes asthma (asthma) it?

Asthma disease causes swelling and inflammation in the airways leading to lungs. When asthma relapse, the airways become narrow and tight. So that air can pass easily and make it difficult to breathe. This is also called asthma attacks or exacerbations.
Asthma attack people in different ways. Some people only have asthma attacks during allergy season, or when they breathe in cold air, or when they exercise. Others have many bad attacks that make them often to the doctor.
Even if you have asthma attacks are rare, you still have to treat your asthma. Swelling and inflammation in the airways may cause permanent changes in the airways and lungs hurt you.
Many people have active asthma. Although asthma is a lifelong disease, treatment can control your asthma and stay healthy.

What causes asthma?

Experts do not know exactly what causes asthma. But there are some things we know:

* Asthma disease is hereditary.
    * The disease of asthma is much more common in people with allergies, although not everyone with allergies gets asthma. And not everyone with allergies have asthma.
* Pollution may cause asthma or make it worse.

Any asthma symptoms?

Gejala penyakit asma dapat ringan atau parah. Anda mungkin memiliki serangan ringan sekarang dan kemudian, atau mungkin gejala penyakit asma parah setiap hari, atau mungkin perpaduannya. Seberapa sering anda memiliki gejala-gejala juga dapat berubah. Bila Anda memiliki penyakit asma, Anda dapat:
  • Desahan, membuat keras atau lembut siulan kebisingan yang terjadi bila anda bernafas dalam dan keluar.
  • Batuk.
  • Merasa keketatan di dada.
  • Merasa kekurangan nafas.
  • Kesulitan tidur karena batuk atau sulit bernapas.
  • Cepat lelah saat latihan atau olahraga.
Gejala Anda mungkin parah pada malam hari.
Serangan asma parah dapat mengancam jiwa dan memerlukan perawatan darurat.

How is asthma diagnosed?
Along with doing a physical exam and ask about your health, your doctor may perform lung function tests. These include tests: These tests include:

* Spirometry. Doctors use this test to diagnose and monitor asthma. It measures how fast you can move air into and out of your lungs and how much air is moving.
* Peak expiratory flow (PEF). This shows how quickly you can breathe when you try as hard as possible.
* An exercise or inhalation challenge. This test measures how quickly you can breathe after exercise or after taking drugs.
* X-ray chest, to see if there are other diseases that cause your symptoms.
* Allergy tests, if your doctor thinks your symptoms may be caused by allergies.
You need regular checkups with your doctor to keep track of your asthma and decide on treatment.

Asthma Drugs? 
Ada dua bagian untuk pengobatan penyakit asma. Tujuannya adalah untuk:
  • Kontrol asma jangka panjang. Untuk melakukannya, gunakan rencana harian perawatan asma. Ini adalah rencana tertulis yang menginformasikan tentang obat yang diambil. Hal ini juga membantu Anda melacak gejala dan mengetahui dengan baik perawatan / pengobatan sedang bekerja. Banyak orang mengambil obat pengontrol yang biasanya merupakan inhaled corticosteroid setiap hari. Menggunakan obat pengontrol setiap hari membantu mengurangi pembengkakan di saluran udara dan mencegah serangan. Dokter akan menunjukkan cara menggunakan pengisap dengan benar. Hal ini penting agar Anda mendapatkan jumlah obat yang benar untuk membantu Anda bernafas lebih baik.
  • Perlakuan ketika serangan asma terjadi. Menggunakan rencana tindakan asma, yang memberitahu anda apa yang harus dilakukan bila Anda memiliki serangan asma. Membantu Anda mengidentifikasi memicu yang dapat menyebabkan serangan asma Anda. Anda menggunakan obat-obatan penyelamat, seperti albuterol, selama serangan.
Jika Anda perlu menggunakan inhaler penyelamat lebih sering dari biasanya, bicaralah dengan dokter. Ini adalah tanda bahwa penyakit asma Anda tidak terkontrol dan dapat menimbulkan masalah.
Serangan asma dapat mengancam hidup, tapi Anda mungkin dapat mencegah mereka jika anda mengikuti rencana. Dokter dapat mengajarkan keterampilan yang anda perlukan untuk menggunakan perawatan asma dan rencana untuk tindakan.

How can you prevent asthma attacks?
You can prevent some asthma attacks by avoiding things that cause them. These are called triggers. Triggers can be:

* Irritants in the air like cigarette smoke or air pollution. Do not smoke, and try to avoid smoking around them.
* The things you are allergic to it, such as pet fur (cat, dog), dust, cockroaches, or pollen. If you can avoid the things you are allergic to it. It may also help to make sure to select the type of allergy medication.
* Ask about the doctor uses inhalers (vacuum) if the exercise can trigger you.
* Other things such as heat, cold, infection, or drugs such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Try not to exercise outside when it was cold and heat. Talking to your doctor about some vaccines to prevent infection, and ask about what medicines you should avoid.
Sometimes you do not know what triggers asthma attacks. This is why the importance to have an asthma action plan that tells you what to do during an attack.


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